433 App

During my year at 433 as a Product Designer, I had an extraordinary experience. 433 is one of the largest social sports communities in the world, with more than 64 million followers across various social media platforms. Besides their huge online presence, they have also developed an application where users can find everything about the latest football news, scheduled matches and much more.

My involvement in this project started when the application was just launched. As a Product Designer, my focus was on designing new in-app features and optimising the user experience. I was responsible for implementing these new features and worked closely with the development team to ensure their seamless integration.

I am proud of the contribution I made to the success of the 433 app. It was a challenging and rewarding year in which I was able to sharpen my skills as a Product Designer and gain valuable experience working on a large and popular application. Check out the app using the download button below or read on to get an insight into some of the features I designed.


During my time at 433, I had the privilege of designing various features within the 433 App, two of which were the last 5 matches & head to head feature and the new favourite management system. The creation process for each of these features involved a thorough research and design approach, ensuring they met the needs of the users and aligned with the app's objectives.

Head to Head & Last 5 Matches Feature

The "Head to Head" feature came from a desire to give users more insight into the historical dynamics between two teams. I conducted in-depth benchmarks to evaluate how other platforms presented head-to-head data and identified areas for improvement (see image below). With this knowledge, I designed an interactive feature that allowed users to compare the performance of two teams in previous encounters, giving them valuable insights to engage in discussions and make informed predictions.

To bring the Last 5 matches feature to life, I conducted extensive research on user preferences and industry best practices. For this, I analysed different football platforms and studied how they presented recent match results. Using this knowledge, I developed an intuitive interface that shows teams' latest results, gives users quick access to crucial information and allows them to keep track of performance.

Overall, the creation process for these features in the 433 App consisted of a combination of research, benchmarking, user interviews and iterative design. By incorporating user feedback and considering the app's objectives, I was able to design intuitive and impactful features that improved the overall user experience. You can see the result in the image below.

Profile & Favourite Management System

The new favorite management system was another feature that required careful consideration and user-centered design. Understanding the importance of personalization, I envisioned a system that would allow users to manage their favorite clubs and leagues seamlessly. To begin the creation process, I conducted user interviews and gathered feedback to identify pain points and desired functionalities. This research phase provided valuable insights that guided the design decisions.

Click on the download button below to view the features in a real life application!
